We’re thrilled to have a successful launch, with our first gin Sea & Stars. Thank you to our first supporting customers, friends and colleagues - especially those that pre-ordered in June while we were still getting final preparations done. A special shout out to Kirstin (‘KT’) who was our very first customer, and received bottle number 001. We’re so grateful, honoured, and hoping that you enjoy our first expression.
As you know, Envy Distilling is Nathan and Vanessa (the “N” and “V”), and our first gin was named in honour of our neighbours Maria and Soraya. Maria roughly translating to “of the sea”, and Soraya being related to the Arabic name for the Pleiades Star constellation. These women provided lots of input and sample botanicals from their suburban garden (Soraya having been a horticulturalist in the past). These amazing flavours, especially their kaffir lime tree, were the direct inspiration for the flavours in Sea & Stars. We want our business to always be strongly connected to the community around us, and this seemed a perfect time to make good on that principle.
We’ve had lots of great feedback about the look of the label and bottle, and we’re thrilled about that. Credit and kudos to Morgan from Etikette Design for creating our first branding and look. I think your feedback tells us she did an outstanding job!
We’re proud of the launch, of our gin, and grateful to our first customers. We’re always keen to receive your feedback, pictures and cocktail ideas, so keep them coming!